Definition of Health - Aspects, Physical, mental, Social, Community, Experts
Definition of Health - Aspects, Physical, mental, Social, Community, Experts: Where the state of prosperity from the start physical, mental and social that allows people to live productively.
Definition of Health
All humans want a healthy life, because there is a healthy saying that is expensive, so take care of your health as well as possible so that you are always healthy. because healthy is a gift from the almighty creator given to his people. From the term or definition of Health is where the state of prosperity from the start physical, mental and social that allows people to live productively.
General Understanding is the welfare state of the body, soul, and social that enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 states that the notion of health is as "a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or weakness".
In 1986, WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that it was "a resource for everyday life, not a life goal. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical abilities.
Understanding of Health According to Experts
So you know about the definition of health here will review about health according to experts.
1. World Health Organization (WHO)
Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or weakness.
Whereas in the Ottawa Charter it says that health is a resource for daily life, not a purpose in life. Health is a positive concept that emphasizes personal, social and physical abilities.
2. Law
Health is a state of well-being of body, soul, and social that enables all people to live productively socially and economically.
3. Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
In the Ulama National Conference in 1983 revealed that health is a physical, spiritual, and social endurance that humans have as a gift from God that must be thankful for by practicing all of His teachings.
4. Perkins
According to Perkins revealed that health is a balanced and dynamic state between a form & function of the body as well as various factors that influence it.
5. Paune
According to Paune, health is an effective function of self-care resources which guarantees an action for self-care. Health is a behavior that is in accordance with the objectives needed to obtain, maintain and improve a psychosocial & spiritual function.
6. Neuman
According to Neuman, health is a biopsychological, social, cultural and spiritual balance on the three lines of defense that are flexible, normal and resistant.
7. White
According to White stated that healthy as a condition where a person at the time of inspection did not have any complaints or no signs of abnormality or disease.
Health Aspects
Basically, health includes four aspects, including:
Physical health
Physical health is manifested when someone does not feel and complain of pain or absence of complaints and does not objectively appear ill. All organs of the body function normally or do not experience disturbances.
Mental Health (mental)
Mental health (soul) includes 3 components, namely mind, emotional, and spiritual.
Healthy thinking is reflected in the way of thinking or thinking.
Healthy emotions are reflected in a person's ability to express their emotions, such as fear, joy, worry, sadness and so on.
Healthy spirituality is reflected in the way a person expresses gratitude, praise, trust and so on for something outside of this mortal realm, namely God Almighty. For insteance healthy spirit can be saw from religion practice of one. In other words, spiritual health is a condition in which a person performs his worship and all the religious rules he follows.
Social health
Social health is manifested when a person is able to relate to other people or other groups well, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or beliefs, social status, economics, politics, etc., as well as mutual tolerance and respect.
Economic Health
Health from an economic aspect looks rinsing a person (adult) productive, in the sense of having activities that produce something that can contribute to his own life or family financially.
For those who are not yet an adult (students or students) and the elderly (retirees), this limitation by itself does not apply. Therefore, for the group, what applies is social productivity, which has activities that are useful for their lives, such as achievement for students, and social, religious, or other social services for the elderly.